Forest Information Technology MSc program
General information
„Forest Information Technology” is the regular MSc program taught in English running based on the agreement between SGGW and HNEE signed on 15 June 2005 in Eberswalde. „Forest Information Technology” (FIT) is a joint program between Faculty of Forest and Environment at University of Sustainable Development in Eberswalde, Germany and Faculty of Forestry at Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW. Teaching takes place at both locations.
The goal of the new International Master Study Program is to contribute to environmental problem solving by training professionals to apply information technology approaches. This will be achieved by providing scientific methods and tools required for collecting, processing and communicating environmental data with emphasis on forest ecosystems and environmental problems. The Master Study Program includes advanced topics of environmental information processing and modern forest ecosystem research.
The whole program is given in English. The mandatory part of the new program is characterized by a large amount of information technology subjects and a concentration on selected forest and landscape ecological subjects. A broad range of elective courses at both universities offers different specialization directions. Information and details concerning mission, curriculum, admission, application and others are presented at the home page of the study program. Detailed information can be obtained from:
- Evelyn Walor (email: evelyn.walor at; tel. (+49 3334) 657 165)
- Karol Bronisz (email: karol_bronisz at; tel. (+48 22) 59 38 086)
Information for candidates
The offered program is open to applicants worldwide who satisfy the admission criteria. The program is a consecutive one to the Bachelor/Diploma study programs „International Forest Ecosystem Management” and “Forestry” of University of Sustainable Development (HNEE), former University of Applied Sciences of Eberswalde (UASE), and a consecutive program to the „Forest Engineer” of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (WULS-SGGW).
Applicants should have a sound education in natural sciences. Applicants with a 3-year or 4-year Bachelor / Engineer Degree depending on the country of origin or comparable degree in e.g. Forestry, Biology, Agriculture, Landscape Planning or related Natural Sciences will be eligible for direct entry to the Program. Basic knowledge of forestry is necessary, but might be achieved during the study in additional courses. In addition, the basic requirements for applicants include basic PC knowledge and knowledge on operating systems and office suites. Good mathematical skills are of advantage.
Applicants whose native language is not English should already hold a degree or equivalent qualification from an institution where English is the medium of instruction, or have obtained an acceptable English language qualification.
Candidates from Poland follow regular enrollment procedures for Polish citizens in Warsaw. All necessary information can be found at the recruiment service of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Besides the enrolment procedure in Poland, candidates have to fill in University of Sustainable Development website
Candidates from Germany follow regular enrollment procedures for German citizens in Eberswalde. Candidates from third countries apply through UNI-ASSIST agency. Detailed information can be obtained from University of Sustainable Development website. Besides the enrolment procedure in Germany, candidates have to fill in the on-line registration form. This is necessary to become a WULS-SGGW student.
3D map of the campus with all information needed to navigate through the WULS-SGGW area in Ursynów.
Requirements regarding the defense and obtaining the diploma
Below you can find a list of documents we have to get from FIT graduates at least three weeks before planed defence.
- If the student was exmatriculated, he/she has to submit the request for renewal addressed to the Vice-dean for Students Affairs (file)
- Current and updated Transcript-of-records (TOR) containing ALL grades required by the FIT program. Without completed TOR we can’t renew students and send the defence to plagiarism check.
- Two hard-copies of diploma thesis to the Eberswalde (1 CD-R and 1 CD-RW recorded in a format PDF, RTF or ODT) when the supervisor is in Germany. If the supervisor and the defence is in Poland – five copies. Two of them we will be sent to Eberswalde after defence. Please rememeber that this two copies must meet the requirements of Eberswalde. Three hard-copies (2 CD-R and 1 CD-RW recorded in a format PDF, RTF or ODT not more than 100 MB). The 3 copies have to be printed according to the WULS-SGGW requirements and signed by the student and supervisor.
- If students defend their thesis in Eberswalde two copies with the correct Warsaw cover page have to be prepared for the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. If students defend in Poland three copies. While preparing the thesis, it is necessary to follow these general instructions (cover page, font and font size, text organization) (see WULS-SGGW Guidance for the preparation of diploma thesis). First pages of Master Thesis – see template (DOC file). Differing structures and styles may require a new printing of the thesis! Please, remember that it should be Master’s Thesis on the course of Forestry, not Forest Information Technology.
- Application for admission to defence signed by student and supervisor (file). The document „Request for admission to the diploma exam” has to be filled in using the Polish version.
- Copy of present ID card.
- Agreement for processing the personal information. Is should be printed and signed by student from eHMS system web site.
- The diploma fee. Each student has his/her own individual account number. It can be found in the eHMS system.
- Filled card of individual achievements (file).
- Application for receive a copy of diploma in English (file).
- Return student’s ID card or send the application that it was lost (file).
- Information where to send the diploma (file).
According to the WULS-SGGW study regulation, every student must collect 30 ECTS per one semester. If the student does not pass the exam on time, the additional payment for every ECTS point is required (100 PLN per missing ECTS). This rule applies only to modules taught in Warsaw.
Requirements regarding photos for the student's ID card
Photos for the electronic student’s ID have to fulfill the following requirements:
- digital form (jpg), 300 dpi resolution;
- size for printing 2,00 cm (base) x 2,50 cm (height);
- ID-type photo, color;
- homogenous, bright background (no additional elements allowed);
- portrait can’t go below armpit;
- picture without headwear and glasses with dark lenses (unless justified by health or religious reasons and confirmed by the authorized medical service or religious community)
Student is exclusively responsible for the published picture. If the ID is printed with erroneous picture, student will be immediately charged the cost of a duplicate print.
To upload the picture through the ehms account use the following path: moje dane -> edycja